Upcoming Classes
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About Clare
Welcome. When I started yoga I did it for fitness, flexibility and strength but I soon realised yoga is about so much more. I have been amazed at the healing and coping ability yoga can provide to ease the path through difficult periods in your life.
Yoga can help to relax you, to focus on your breathing, to take away competitiveness and judgement of others; it allows you to re-centre on the most important person, yourself.

Following requests from present and new customers we have several ways we can continue our yoga practice at home.
You can watch a recorded yoga class.
Other classes are available to purchase at
£3 per class... Email to Purchase
There are free shorter classes on LymYoga
Yoga @ Home

Please feel free to contact me by phone or email.
Or alternatively fill in the form below
and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
PHONE NUMBER: 0775 176 7102
EMAIL: Clare@LymYoga.co.uk